Dark, light, and the dim twilight

dark, light, and the dim twilight

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

So, where to?

my hand's numb from banging the shelf together :|
yes its one big stubborn piece of furniture my mum just got about a week ago
just decided that i might as well get it done with after coming back from Ipoh.

hope Christmas had been fun for many people out there :)
mine was spent watching a canton drama at my aunt's place
with her constantly cursing the dvd player for skipping scenes and jamming halfway :D
oh and i spent most of my time there reading The Spook's Apprentice,
quite a good book..simple and not that all scary despite what the quotes on its cover say
there are 8 books altogether if i'm not mistaken, so its sort of a trilogy
plan to get the 2nd one tomorrow if possible..
and i hope my parcel arrives soon...then i can wrap it up, surprise someone ;)
hopefully making her day lah

the past week or so i was busy sending out late applications to universities in Australia..
found out last minute that out of the 3 universities i applied to earlier this year only 2 offered me a place
and they weren't really good universities so i started doing more inquiries,
see what i could possibly get with my "almost-made-it" ATAR (84.80)
a mere 0.2 more would put me in Melbourne doing Ba of Sci :/

while on it i also did a little bit of looking around for Ely's Biochem/Biotech
sad to say, not many universities/colleges in M'sia offer it.
if any, most like it would be Biotech and not Biochem, what she'd love to do
probably continue the search after her A2, hopefully find a way to get her to Ireland maybe? :)

i might be leaving everyone behind now, if i ever get an offer letter from Australia.
sorta worried about it..since i barely know anyone in Australia right now,
it's going to be hard to adapt..
plus Ely's got some problem with Australia :/
never wanting to step foot in aus for some reason.
its similar to Malaysia in a way since its full of Malaysians with a PR there
but its still a whole new country with different people, different places to see you know :|

well thats all for now i guess? apologies for the late update,
though i don't think u guys would have the time to constantly read my blog anyway :D
till jan...and when i find my mood to blog lol

- Topher©