Dark, light, and the dim twilight

dark, light, and the dim twilight

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mrs. Jasmine Lim!

Finally have my week cleared up with this final event. Billy and Jasmine's wedding! (yay)

Quite unfortunate that I couldn't attend their wedding ceremony, first off because I don't have my own pair of formal attire, and then because of some damsel in distress, Sylvia, that I really shouldn't get too close to. Anyways I really would've loved to attend a christian wedding for once. Good that I managed to get to her wedding dinner, and also a new addition to my mediocre collection of books while waiting for it to start. It was a rather cool night, despite being quite out of place because of the lack of acquaintances.

I met a Jason that painted a very very, very bleak picture of mechanical/civil engineering in the first few years of being in the industry and stuff. Adding to it that Chi Wei, now working in Singapore doing auditing earns RM 11,280 per month. What the crap? It is probably good to look at the potential jobs and pay I could get from a certain course, but it's so damn late into the Nott application now that I might as well just let it be, then probably reconsider it again in a few more months to see if I should switch disciplines.

That aside, the food was great, company was fine but still left me feeling a little lonely because of the different crowd. Too bad we only got a short chat with Jasmine before she had to leave, bride and groom must have been tired anyways. I should have said so much more, but only managed a "Yay! Congrats!" in the chaos of people leaving, wanting to take pics with them and clearing up the tables and stuff.

Have a happy life together guys! Lets see when little billies and jasmines start popping out hehe.

Well Sylvia on the other hand, had me busy in the afternoon, helping her look for her lost pen drive which held some important work. Why do people not make backups of their "important" data? Tough luck since the pen drive didn't come forth, she had to start her assignments all over (padan muka)...(remind self not to lose pen drive and to constantly make backups of important stuff)

She's also been getting rather close to me because of it, too close. I might have known her for at least a year already but going out, then losing your pen drive and then suddenly calling me every few hours because you're sad and need my help/to talk to, is just, odd. Not to mention having all of that happen within 3 days, it is just plain scary (i honestly can't find a way to put it). Apparently she's quite used to being like that to everyone so I guess I'll let it pass, so long as she doesn't get any closer than just friends.

Now to start figuring out what to pack, half my work's done for me since I barely unpacked my suitcase from that stint in Sydney. Just some tweaks here and there and my wardrobe should be set. Then there's the bed and toiletries. Probably going on the 22nd to move some stuff over first or maybe move in for good. It's a 1 hour drive to Semenyih, but hell does it beat a 7 hour flight to Sydney, so I'm not that much worried about stuff to bring. Having a car is awesome.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Into Dark

Every night has been long for me these few, err, weeks? It gets rather annoying when you try to get to bed earlier than usual and find that all you just did was lie down for 3 hours. Worse, uni might be starting soon and because of this I keep waking really late near the afternoon. Not exactly when classes tend to start.

Right now it's about 4AM in the morning, Mazzy Star's "Into Dust" is playing on loop (love it for its serene/surreal kinda sound), and I'm here blogging after a long hiatus. Just temporarily gave up on the idea of putting my life to paper...in this case, the internet. It gets rather impersonal then doesn't it? And I like my stuff personal, what more than my life's story. Then again, I don't exactly keep a diary. (hmm...now how the hell do I "privatize" my blog)

I kind of enjoy the night time peace. It's black with hints of dim light spilling in from the 2 windows in my room, even more so dimmed by the overhanging curtains till it's got that awesome shade of light outlining it's sides. I find trivial images/scenes like that quite nice. Then there are the sounds, crickets that utterly just get shunned to background noise (meh...typical) and the absence of those irritating car/bike engines passing by every once in a while is a welcomed feature of the night. Playing "Into Dust" just adds to the whole vibe thing. I like quiet, peaceful nights.

Which is also why I can't ever stop thinking about stuff, random stuff every night and that keeps me from drifting off into Neverland.

On a side note, I finally got a reply from the Nottingham University Malaysia's admin board. Saying my application is "now being actively processed" and that they will (hopefully) get back to me within 10 days. So that's September 9 + 10 = 19th September and I was told that enrollment starts on the 20th of Sept. That took long enough (I sent my application in almost 2 weeks ago), and provided everything goes to plan I will have at least a week before classes start. Let's hope it does.

Wait, accommodation.

p.s. so much to write, so little idea what i should.