Dark, light, and the dim twilight

dark, light, and the dim twilight

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

finally over :D

finally all the assignments and presentations
are DONE with xD
can relax without the pressure now heheh

today's presentation was fine apparently
i only prepared it yesterday night o_O
got above average only though :3 (not "very good")
pretty good for last minute work lol

been really busy for the past week or so
although it spreads through 2 weeks,
i had practically 7+ days of pure torture -_-

took some time off to relax for part of today
although i still have work to do...
at least its not that bad
come to think of it i actually appreciate doing simple homework now :)

the past several days have been hectic
still managed to keep a few highlights though heh..
i think it was yesterday
Mr.Chan (a.k.a Jackie Chan), my physics lecturer
was talking about electric fields and charged particles
when suddenly it became a topic on guys and girls o_O

apparently guys are positive (+) and girls are negative (-)
he used that concept to explain the repulsion and attraction of charges lolz smart xD
then quote : "class, you know ah, guys have 3 legs"

everyone in class was "whaaa?"
- "one leg is very very short"

*dead silence*....

followed by "omgggggg omgg mr.chaaaannnn!"
"this is not biology!!" ; "why la u telling us stuff like that" ;
"we have a girl here!!" ; "i never knew mr.chan was that dirty minded, like us!"

for those who still don't get what the 3rd leg is,
www.google.com ^^
your guide to everything explicit, dirty and basically to life itself
yes, go google "am i stupid?" and it will give u 88,700,000 results of stupidity test
all totally proving that you really ARE stupid 8D
don't take this seriously :P

gonna keep working hard from now on
goodbyeeee laziness! (and procrastination)
college's starting to change me...hmm..
for the better :3 i hope.

gotta go sleep now :)
lots of catching up to do in dreamland xD

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