Dark, light, and the dim twilight

dark, light, and the dim twilight

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lets just see how it goes..

It implies that there are somethings that are out of our control, even maybe the existence of fate/destiny, which is quite absurd that it came from me. "Lets just see how it goes", isn't that similar to what religions mean when they tell us to leave it to that higher power?

Nevertheless, it's certainly a good way to get some sort of burden off our shoulders, either let time or deity do something instead.

Well time really does do its work, its the 3rd month now and I've only got till June/July before i fly off to Syd. Haven't even paid my deposit yet so there's no guarantee i'll have a place there, dumb mistake to make since i got the offer way ahead of time but didn't read the conditions. If i don't get a place there will it be fate playing its part? Cause if i ain't going to Syd there's only one other place i'd be going, Nottingham Malaysia. Which isn't that bad really, since i get to stay here, plus get a chance to transfer to the UK or maybe Canada after one year through.

Honestly i've been finding it hard to put stuff onto my blog cause i'm afraid it might mess up a few things. Not like i'm expected to put stuff here anyway. So yeah, been drafting my posts a lot and not publishing anything new cause, wellllll its a blog of thoughts lol, and some thoughts, aren't suitable, or may cause a few misunderstandings. (which brings this to mind, wth happened to NI?)

Been working for my dad for quite a while now, been lonely, bored, the gang only goes out during the weekends and thats only on some weekends, so most of the week i'm left with just my work, stuff i need and am supposed to do, games and plenty of thoughts playing out in my mind. I'm pretty sure its a disease - this constant stream of thoughts lol, been hard for me to "phase out" into some "nothing box". bleh. Probably comes with some fancy name too ._.

Even now i'm trying to keep some stuff unsaid. So much for blogging my thoughts out x_x
Oh but there's one thing i need and really want to post up here, its that i really really suck at drawing xD and yes i've been practicing, its just so damn frustrating seeing each stroke erased again and again :/

I think i've better be done with this post right here, so there ya go, till next time.


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